Presidents, priests, and prophets: covenantal Christian nationalism and the challenge of biblical analogy



This article explores the elaboration and application of Old Testament idea ‘covenant’ among Zambian church leaders who are Christian nationalist activists. In this framework, Zambia serves as an analogue biblical Israel, while contemporary government analogues kings, priests, prophets. covenantal approach presents challenges. On one hand, support for nationalism encourages compliance with state-led religious projects; on other however, analogical reading text which depends casts in a prophetic role, turn opens door criticism government. activists therefore find themselves caught double-bind that simultaneously submission critique. An analysis process contributes important non-Western perspective to discussions nationalism. It also complicates easy interpretations abetting state power by demonstrating its critical possibilities. Présidents, prêtres et prophètes : le nationalisme chrétien de l'alliance défi l'analogie biblique Résumé Cet explore l’élaboration l'application l'idée d’« alliance » l'Ancien parmi les dirigeants d’église zambiens qui sont des militants nationalistes chrétiens. Dans ce cadre pensée, la Zambie sert d'analogue à l'Israël biblique, tandis que gouvernement contemporain l’Église rois, Testament. Cette approche par l’« pose défis. Alors soutien du au encourage se conformer aux projets religieux l’État, lecture analogique texte dont dépend confère l’église un rôle prophétique, ouvre porte critique gouvernement. Par conséquent, chrétiens en prises d'une injonction contradictoire encourageant simultanément soumission Une analyse processus apporte une importante non occidentale contemporaines sur chrétien. Elle complique également interprétations faciles comme pouvoir l’État démontrant ses possibilités critiques. October 2018, Lusaka Times ran short headline ‘Church calls political players not politicize National Day Prayer’ (Lusaka 2018). The was published less than week before third annual commemoration Prayer, Zambia's newest public holiday, featured exhortation from Reverend Bernard Kasonde Pentecostal Assemblies God. Critics Prayer argue it is simply way sidestep responsibility country's problems, or perhaps publicity stunt aimed at securing overwhelmingly electorate. Kasonde, maintained prayers were should be treated such. As put it, ‘[I]t high time people stopped shunning day but rather reflect impact strengthening people's faith country … [for] worship goes beyond politics boundaries’. Kasonde's views far unique, during my fieldwork I lost count number times heard leader bemoaning ‘politicization’ well efforts ‘actualize’ constitutional declaration ‘Christian nation’.1 level, refrain politicizing what clearly event represent obvious anti-politics. When leaders, usually Pentecostals like tell focus prayer, they appear letting off hook things economic crisis first prompted president call 2015. Rather demand accountability action, focused divine intervention means fixing their problems. Seen angle, religion self-proclaimed nation ‘a cultural tool legitimizing power’ ‘[perpetuates] postcolonial autocratic tendencies’ (Kaunda & Hinfelaar 2020: 1-2). While such critiques certainly warranted, there more going injunctions against politicization these characterizations suggest. Understanding everything stake remarks requires us examine greater detail models structure activism Zambia, practices inform. turns relationship between covenant made God Israel. whether government, likewise provides model follow, negotiating various roles laid out scripture puts promotes acquiescence invites interest Christianity has potential increase church, giving reason instead lend support. lending give up structurally superior position authority afforded them model. briefly conclusion, further reinforces eclipsing behind nation; same time, form engagement based moral claims religion, requirements analogy. Before any further, let me clarify some terms. article, use word ‘government’ differently ‘state’. Following Thomas Blom Hansen (2019: 1-2), here connotes everyday usage (boma common regional usage, ubuteko Bemba), refers ‘apparatus administration’ informants, primarily civil servants national directly engaged. contrast, ‘the state’ am referring Hansen, drawing Hindi concept raj, sovereign realm’, ‘more-or-less legitimate community rule’. have just noted, often obscured appeals ‘nation’, term connote enduring body politic, articulated must describe mean both nationalism’ activists’. Writing about United States, sociologists Andrew L. Whitehead Samuel Perry define framework – collection myths, traditions, symbols, narratives, value systems idealizes advocates fusion American civic life’ (2020: 10). ‘supplies metaphors symbols central discursive iconic representation nation’ (Brubaker 2011: 9). Building observations, own long-term idealized understanding identity structures make through explicit, state-focused, action. aspects project may supported laypeople, ‘activists’ engaged work making tend pastors, bishops, heads parachurch ministries. Though paper hail broad range denominations, theology practice Pentecostal. Activists connected, formal informal links organizations individuals overseas. Many, all them, men. By tracing ethnographically difficulties arise when into practice, expands anthropological increasingly movement. we know something looks traditional homelands States (e.g. Bialecki 2017; Goldberg 2007; 2020), studies non-Western, settings comparatively few (but see O'Neill 2010; Pickles Santos da Costa 2021; Tomlinson McDougall 2013). only African state-sponsored nation, especially compelling case here. turning our attention particularities case, want general terms motif project: covenant. link established 2011), scholars nevertheless debated role projects universalist religions Christianity, scope ‘often exceeds (Bialecki 2017: 46). Rogers Brubaker raised specific questions vein Islamism, calling ‘nationalism without “the nation”’ (2011: 14). because Islamist notions global umma transcend borders ethnic barriers; umma, words, geographically culturally limitless precludes being meaningful sense. say forms visions Islam indeed ‘Muslim’ ethnicized marker identity, cannot basis mobilization clear do. But universalism Islamism's ‘imagined community’ pushes boundaries ways are, sees difficult mobilize towards ends. Anthony D. Smith similar claim particularly early forms. response Adrian Hastings’ (1997) arguments linking vernacularization rise nationalism, counters ‘for territorial compromises ground, universalist, universalizing, world much history been purveyed clerisies, liturgies languages transterritorial supranational’ (2007: 221; 2015). Where ‘founded principles diversity uniqueness’ ‘strong ethnic, ethnopolitical components’ (Smith 2007: 221), overwhelms vision heavenly kingdom comprising representatives ‘every tribe, people, language’.2 view Christianity's universalizing thrust, argues if had play development foundation imagined community, ‘“carrier” “prism” beliefs Hebrew Bible’ 2015: 411). Here, identifies motifs key ideology, including ideas Promised Land Exodus slavery. He draws particular structured Israel covenant, notes, hinged condition Israelites keep God's commandments. For Smith, conditionality nationalistic productivity ideal ‘coiled spring’, he since required ‘separation engagement’, parallel quest holiness mandate witness nations together provided engine across historical examples 222).3 notion expressed affinity for, even analogic identification with, animating force numerous (Kaell 2020). Examples include colonial New England (Miller 1956), Afrikaner South Africa (Tamarkin Brazil (Shapiro 2021), independent Sudan (Tounsel 2021). However, contrast Smith's scepticism possibility least cases ideals mobilized communities despite precisely them. actors concern though social scientific analyses would historically led expect. Discussions Pentecostalism proliferated around millennium emphasized transnationalism, treating paradigm flow’ (Robbins 2004: 118; Corten Marshall-Fratani 2001; Poewe 1994). transnational orientations aspirations apparent, oft-cited example names given smallest congregations, frequently words ‘global’ ‘international’ 1998). ethnographic Pentecostalism's demonstrated can easily reinforce internationalism ‘charges certain uniquely responsibilities’ (O'Neill 2010: 172). Members Guatemalan mega-church studied Kevin (2010), instance, believe chosen demonstrate virtues values so effectively will become follow. Here unit vocation not-yet-Christian spiritual awakening; called Guatemala transform countries world, sparking revival Mexico, Canada, Spain. expectation multinational, global, transformation animates strengthens vision. demonstrates, language dual productive addition process. initially declared Frederick Chiluba television broadcast 1991; five years later, declaration’, commonly known, enshrined preamble constitution, where remains day. recent presidency Edgar Chawga Lungu (2015-21) placed emphasis bevy explicitly policy initiatives at, return used above, ‘actualizing’ declaration. Included establishment creation new Ministry Guidance Religious Affairs, commissioning House constructed Lusaka. From very beginning, project. Upon issuing declaration, proclaimed entered ‘on behalf (quoted Gifford 1998a: 367). speech, drew covenant's conditionality, quoting verse still invoked regularly (Haynes 2018: 70-1), promises ‘humble pray’, then ‘forgive sin heal land’.4 Accounts press indicate found ready audience, Chiluba. example, quotes pastor saying, ‘Sunday December 29 shall surely go down God’ 1998b: 198). reinforced others his throughout former's ten office. having ‘dedicated’ 205) status “chosen nation” “new Israel”’ Mapulanga-Hulston 21).5 elsewhere 2015), elites pastors writing echoes daily experience laypeople Zambia. Christians whose strongly influenced teachings prosperity gospel, acquainted covenants recorded attempt enter agreements themselves, special monetary offerings initiate ‘reciprocal (Wiegele 2005: Their personal familiarity makes quick recognize shapes fate. hold responsible notable post-independence peace regard guarantor future 2012: 129-31). Likewise, fear ever removed actual expected blessings revoked; abolition bring ‘war’ (nkondo) below elite forefront movement, then, generally lay believers, observation, understand previous Copperbelt (see Haynes 2017), 2017 began research capital city Lusaka, attending rallies board meetings, using observing mass media, doing participant observation above-mentioned Affairs. discussion follows fieldwork, several books written project.6 wary too might classified theological texts, do whole story (Jenkins 2018), treat piece puzzle, content volumes echoed actualize These place leadership, topics now detail. authors examined agree created unique purpose Africa. Charles Kachikoti describes ‘Zambia prized jewel great earth merely [because of] natural resources uncovering implications entire region fail succeed her assignment’ Arise 2016: 45). quote Kachikoti, group representing organization ‘Africa Arise’, summarized titular ‘Africa's tithe’. offer continent follow God, tithe proportional gift, amount determined one's income. theme taken different authors, identify endowment ‘redemptive gifts’ (Kateka n.d.: 4) resources. former already exploited, ‘minerals, water bodies …, rich agricultural soils cultivation grassland graze’ (Ngulube 2019: 4), also, importantly, assets yet full potential, identified. Some hidden resources, petroleum reserves, discovered. Dr Liya Mutale, true wealth man's comprehension’, extent revealed once ‘[put] positions leadership stewards wealth’ (Mutale 6). ear-marked formed. late President FTJ 1991 confirmation always been. Just show rest live under Lordship chosen. intention becomes mighty (2012: 5-6). Livingstone's broader rereading paints Christian, almost spite itself. point subtle imagery official coat arms, arguing working founders craft did (Africa 57). So too, geopolitical southern indicators destiny Africa's tithe, staging area independence movements. ‘to help achieve over years’, plans ‘use spiritually Africa’ 6-7). Taken together, paint picture strategic, activating processes phrasing. framing, ‘chosen God’, Mutale above. assignment cite landlocked blessing disguise: port, shares border eight nations, positioning region. Although issued whole, vital shaping nation. united opinion duty ‘under take [sic] provide family sector, business legal educational sector’ (Bupe 2-3). laying Weberian list societal ‘spheres’, Bishop Paul Bupe indexes Recall Mutale's prediction after wealth’. close connection prosperity, invested importance. Chisala Kateka judges head state, lead positive negative direction. ‘Hitler German extreme evil, Shaka [Zulu] same’, she begins, asserting similarly wrong path president, Kenneth Kaunda, introduced philosophy ‘Humanism’ long 34; cf. 368; Kaunda 2018b: 151-2). Isaac Zax Ngulube declares, God-fearing extension continent: ‘If . keen listen direction fulfil respective purposes respectively complete’ 141). Given outsized devoted deal exploring kind most effective moving destiny. keeping Testament, kingship. note stood pillars presidential residence, ‘in manner King Josiah stood’ brought ‘as king done’ 38). kingship reference Lungu's presidency. evident Peter Ndhlovu's laudatory paraphrase well-known Psalm7 David (2016: 143). striking Ngulube's destiny, hagiographic account man ‘anointed 5) variously compares him figures, Solomon. Alongside portrayals descriptions, myself, emphasize ‘sacral dimension’ executive takes ‘spiritual functions priest prophet’ 153, 154). implied inaugurated Chiluba, mediator, hesitate cast himself sacerdotal context supporters referred 155), chief priest, prophet charge people’ (Ngululbe 41). analogies alternately Theologian Chammah J. argued ultimately combined ‘priest-kingly’ (2018b: 155). Kwame Bediako (1995), Kauda ‘ontocracy’, suggests framing relies bound unitary throne altar (infuba Bemba). predispositions part play, amalgamation likely function informs Celebrated kings Solomon, lives template performed could priestly duties, leading thereby complicating kingly position. guidance mouth ‘true servant whom reveals His plan implements absence God-appointed prophet, no good purpose. lesson every 21st century ‘king’ learn permanently abide humility credible trustworthy (2015: 31-2). Shempe emphasizes importance ‘whose ministry entails praying [the king]’ 32). concludes section warning each office-holders respect position, heed another avoid ‘chaos’ ‘disorder’. includes king, prophet. Despite descriptions today's typically king. Church meanwhile, rol

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['1359-0987', '1467-9655']